a state of bliss it's quote 87, Live Life… in a state of bliss. I know today is going to be filled with inspiration which will be incredibly useful to planning the next quarter.
I know today is going to be filled with inspiration which will be incredibly useful to planning out the next quarter that is around the corner. Roll on the next 90 days. |
A state of bliss. |
This post is about life and living it in a state of bliss! It’s my assumption that you’ve thought about making changes around your life and work, but for one reason or another have not gotten the results you wanted.
For that very reason I want to invite you into my world of positive psychology, simply put that’s a PMA, a positive mental attitude. I believe in making life simple yet productive. I’ll share with you the tools to create a lifestyle by design. Believe me I know you can do that; you can create a lifestyle by design and maximise your lifestyle to what you desire. You can do that with a little visualisation and a whole lot of action.
There is already a simple device buried within you, it just needs some TLC to bring it out, yes tender loving care and nurturing to support its growth. Without those two components you’ll be scuppered, so keep reading and find out how you can ditch the negativity of others and harness a PMA.
Your inner core belief system is that central store house that holds the key to your values, strengths, dreams, goals and so much more. In short, your core belief system determines how you live your life. It’s a science-based fact that the fundamental elements of your surroundings, peers and teachers will shape your lifestyle. But you have the choice to design it!
However, it’s important that you understand that how you deal with other people’s thoughts and ideas plays a role in your personal success. So today I’ll talk about the importance of choice and how with the correct choices it’s possible to turn those dreams of yours into reality and manifest your ideal life to live life by design.
Without realising it, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of following other people’s ideas and intentions. However, when you have the right tools and best possible mentors guiding and leading the way, your possibilities are limitless. Step by step, action by action you’ll get clear on who you really are and the person you intend to become. Also, you’ll understand what your goals are and where you are heading.
You can begin by feeding your mind with daily positive thoughts around what you already know. Let me explain.
Beginning right now as you go about your daily routines, you can slowly, and surely start to form your own ideas about what you want. I’m not talking about throwing a pity-party for yourself and laying blame to how your life has been influenced and conducted up until now. No, not at all, instead I encourage you to tap into your imagination, because you do have one, it’s the act of daydreaming. Take time each to daydream. To let your childhood dreams, pepper your life as it is today as you build towards the design of your life. No matter what has gone before, I know for a fact that once you decide and commit to changing the status quo, life can be lived on your terms. Just imagine having the time freedom to work in a job you enjoy, or even starting your own business. Imagine having the best possible friends around you who share your ideals, aspirations and goals for the future. Think about having optimal health because you have the knowledge to choose the best food stuffs to eat and the time to exercise. Imagine too, living in the home of your choice and being debt free. Anything is possible when you know how.
Of course, daydreaming is not the only action in your arsenal of personal power, it takes determination, courage to act, dedication to follow through and time. There is work involved, nothing is free, but my goodness me, when you style your life as you wish it to be and continue to work at it daily then unapologetically the reward is huge.
Today through my words I’ve shared one basic tool, that of day-dreaming, of imagination to help you come to the point of recognition that most of those thoughts and ideas you’ve lived around for years are not yours. That the reason they do not feel comfortable with you is because there is something bigger and better bubbling within you and now you are ready to find an alternative method of thinking, of doing and of becoming the person you deserve to be.
Today's quote is from Pepper Your Life with Dreams