
Your-Story-Page  INVITATION 

Share YOUR PMA Positive Mental Attitude story with the world - do it here!

Share your message with the world, tell them about your journey and personal and professional development, don't be shy this is an opportunity to share your unique offering and let others know about the tools, techniques and models you use to move your lifestyle and business forward, step-by-step.

Here at Coaching Leads To Success we invite you to share, so please use the form below and tell us your heart centered story by making a webpage ... it's f/ree.  TELL YOUR STORY (fill in the form below) and invite your friends, colleagues and family to visit.

Go know you want to celebrate your success and help others do the same!

Yours In Coaching PaTrisha-Anne Todd,

The Book Lady Entrepreneur

Tell Us Your Story

Do you have a great coaching success story to share? We wont to know about your success and how coaching helped you succeed, after all Coaching Leads To Success!

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  •  submission guidelines.

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Message from PaTrisha-Anne

Be my guest and write your story for the world to read about how you create a Lifestyle and Business by Design.   I am curious as to how you live a lifestyle by choice.

Perhaps you have an idea for an eBook, or are filled with ideas that could fill a book, even a series of books all of which you are eager to publish on Amazon, or maybe you have already.  Who knows?  YOU do, you know your writing habits, strengths and successes.  So we'd like to help you tell the world how you write and help you make your readers happy.   There is an audience waiting to read how you became motivated to get it done, how you wrote your book and what it means to you to become a published author.

Yours In Coaching

PaTrisha-Anne 'The Book Lady Entrepreneur'

Resource for aspiring authors:

Writers Coach On-Line is a resource to help you get your writing ideas ready for print.

It's an exclusive package that is the ideal tool to get you writing.

Monday - Thursday of each week for four weeks, I'll work with you via email.

Each day I'll send you specific action steps to follow - everything you need to get your content ready for publishing . Exclusive support to get your words written and ready for publishing.  Writers Coach On-Line

Let's Connect: