Article writing needs to work for you both emotionally and commercially especially if you have the notion of earning money from your knowledge. The added spinoff of your collection of articles could be a book!
Writing articles and collating them into a book is not new. It’s a process you can do yourself with the right planning and publishing system behind you. Your knowledge is valuable and can help you build a list of potential business connections, even feed your existing readers/clients. In other words your writing when correctly written and positioned can build your List. That’s right the most significant thing your store house of articles can do for your career, regardless of the industry/niche you work in is support your business, and the good news is today’s digital publishing platforms makes it easier and affordable.
Any modern day writer knows about this positioning technique. More importantly the modern wordsmith knows the reward of attracting a stream of hungry readers who are eager for more of your work and want to have you engage them with more of your writing.
The ideal path is for you to follow the age old marketing principle that all successful business owners have utilised through the ages by creating a valuable, high rate, top quality, rich content and useful item that your prospective readers would enjoy. The current on trend offer is an eBook.
This terminology ‘The Ethical Bribe’ is well known in the ‘trade’. In essence this means that the visitor to your web site who wants a copy of your ‘irresistible offer’ shares their name and email address in exchange for this fabulous offer you’ve written.
Many businesses use this marketing model to attract new clients and to build their list. Writers can follow this method. In fact in today’s new writing and publishing economy writers need to factor in time to not only write their material but to promote and market it themselves. A web site is a must to generate a List. In old money, that simply equates to having a fan club with ‘fans’.
Earlier I mentioned that any writer or business owner who wants to increase their commercial value could write their way to building a successful business. I also offered the vehicle being an eBook.
I would suggest you begin by writing a series of ten articles, each pertaining to the same topic, for example if you are a Life Coach you would write ten articles about life coaching, along the lines of;
And so on. Then I suggest you take each article and expand the topic further by asking two additional questions for each article, along the lines of;
The above methodology gives basic examples. You as the expert in your field will know how best to initiate your ten articles and follow through with their expansion. The outcome will be your mini-guide, eBook, white paper, report that you then provide as an irresistible offer to capture visitors to your web site and have them convert into paying customers to your more in-depth, entertaining, educational written work.
TurnYourArticlesIntoABook, PCB, Blog, Co-Author, Writer
TurnYourArticlesIntoABook, PCB, Blog, Co-Author, Writer
TurnYourArticlesIntoABook, PCB, Blog, Co-Author, Writer