
Medium-Term-goals ... Yesterday while I was helping one of my team members get clear on their next 90 days goals plan we calculated that there just 71 days remaining until Wednesday 1 January 2014.    [Twitter @PaTrisha_Anne 22 October 2013].  It’s amazing how time flies.

So it occurred to me that it would be helpful to my readers to share a few reminders on how to create a short term goal strategy as part of the BIG and BOLD goal.

"I’m really excited to share and coach you towards success"

Not getting to goal is a disconnect from what you want and those demons disguised as family dramas, recurring illness, ongoing money worries, poor relationships that drag on and on are not the real way to live, in fact it’s so false it makes me sad to think that people allow themselves to live in such a way.  I know for a fact that living life by design is possible for any intelligent human, whomever you are and where ever you live.

Establish A Solid Foundation

Having a sound grounding in PMA Positive Mental Attitude is the key to personal success and with it you can turn your dreams into a tangible reality.  It’s important to understand that to achieve any goal, that’s short or long term, you begin with asking yourself ‘WHY’ you want to achieve a certain outcome.  Once you know your why, you are on track to being successful and having whatever you desire. 

Next you have to be consistent and take action to make your dreams happen.  Like I said you do that by getting excited about your why.  That excitement naturally turns into energy.  You’ll find that as your excitement grows your energy level increases and people around you will see that you’re not only fired up about having what you want but your level of energy is high and rocking.

With your ‘why’ in the fore front of your mind and energy levels soaring you’ll recognise that you’ve begun the cycle of PMA.  PMA is fuel to your fire.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”  

Mahatma Gandhi

Expand Your Goals

Remember too that your short term goals are a special part of your overall goal game plan, and yes I know that sometimes you may feel your short term goals are a huge stretch taking you out of your comfort zone.  Believe me though short term goals are a super stepping stone towards the ultimate.  I appreciate and know what it takes to stretch.  But rest assured as you apply yourself to attaining your goals your overall goals will expand and you’ll begin to realise how lucky you are to be able to have the option to choose and make a decision.  You see, by setting BIG BOLD goals that stretch you the challenge will help you to grow.


While having dreams and taking steps towards those dreams it’s also useful to hold yourself accountable to goal achievement.  I’ve always found it best to engage with another motivated friend or colleague, and ask them to hold you accountable.  Better still if you could be a part of a Mastermind than that process would benefit you even more just by having several other forward thinking people meeting regularly and sharing how they are moving forward towards their goals. 


Step up to the challenge of getting to goal avoid succumbing to excuses that hold you back and sometimes even stop you from reaching goal.  You know a good challenge is useful as it sets you up to prove to yourself that you can achieve anything that you set your mind to.

My Message To You This Week

Once you know your ‘WHY’ you can achieve anything you want.  Knowing your WHY makes you unstoppable, dynamic and totally able to Live Life by Design.

In fact I’d be so bold to say, “Tell me what you want, and I’ll show you how to get it...”



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