Master_Coach World-Class Premium Master Coach Training
PLUS the NEW - Earn 100K or more in 50 weeks or less powerful traIning!
A proven 'Coaching Kinetics' system to receive a fast ROI on your investment
Master Coach total training a unique combination of ten modules with optional two intensive acceleration days to empower and coach you to total mastery as a fully trained LCSi Life Coach School international Master Coach.
You'll work through each ebook to gain profound coaching knowledge and expertise as a master coach.
How The Life Coach School international Master Coach training program can equip YOU to earn 100K in 50 weeks or less!
If you want different results from those you currently have - then now is the time to join our lifetime community of professional coaches and business entrepreneurs who are dedicated to living a quality of lifestyle that only a few aspire to.
This is a very high level Master Coach training program with specific practical session to support your education as a Master Coach.
As I am sure you are aware change only happens when you take smart action to achieve a different outcome. If you are ready to step up and move forward with your thinking process, ready to create good habits, work smart and are committed to do what it takes and seriously want to design your future then the Master Coach program is the right program for you.
The Total Master Coach program includes:
♦ Core Coaching Competencies skills training
♦ The Six Step Coaching Model
♦ NLP skills set
♦ Coaching Kinetics training
♦ Niche Coaching
♦ Advanced Coaching Skills
♦ Values and Belief System Implementation
♦ Goals Setting
♦ Communication Skills
♦ Active Listening Skills
♦ Financial Planning including Tax Benefits
♦ Pricing Strategy
♦ Strategic Alliances
♦ 13 Weeks Promotions Plan
♦ Client Attraction and Retention
♦ Marketing & Promotion Strategies
♦ Setting Up Your Practice and Google friendly Web Site (we actually give you a web site with 24/7 tutorial access)
♦ Master Coaching Starter Kit
Master_Coach, niche, coaching, business, NLP